
What have we been up to----

Well the past few weeks have been a bit crazy around here--Chase loves school, but is having some trouble following rules, sitting down, and listening!! We have had several meetings with the school and have come to a solution that I think will work for everyone--especially Chase--he will spend about 2 hours everyday in a small (4-5 student) class learning how to behave appropriately at school and then the rest of the time in his regular class. I am confident that as soon as he can learn how to control himself in the class he will excel quickly. He has already passed all the first quarter requirements in his class so academically he is awesome.

Now to Jimmy he is going to be starting a preschool soon that will provide him with speech therapy and behavorial therapy...I mean lets just face it--the kid can be hard to handle sometimes, Joe and I really debated back and forth about sending him to school so young, but after Chase's first couple of weeks of school we decided it would be better to get him socially ready now rather than later when it really matters!!

So this brings us to me MOM I hate having them both gone during the day--I want to be selfish and keep them home with me all the time--but also realize that I can't give them everything they need at home--they need to be around kids their own age and other adults--I mean I take them to play groups and church and other things but they need to learn from others and learn how to listen and obey other adults as well. I just want them to succeed and so I will send them, volunteer as much as I can in their classrooms and hopefully they will soar and I will find peace with not having total control!! (after all I am a little bit of a control freak)


Chase's first day of school!

Last Thursday was Chase's first day of school--he was so so so excited he could hardly stand it. I was so so so nervous I could hardly stand it. Joe and I walked him to school--got him settled in class--and we I mean I had a hard time leaving--Chase just kept saying bye mom, bye dad, it's time for school. So we left--I didn't cry even though I wanted to. I was very brave. When I got home I took Jimmy out for a special surprise--he of course was so very jealous of Chase!

At about 10:30 I guess Chase's excitement for school had not diminished only increased when the class decided to take a tour of the school Chase decided to go on his own tour--running and yelling through the whole building--so needless to say I kinda got my wish of knowing exactly what Chase's first day of school was, as I spent the rest of the day in his class helping him listen and stay put.

Friday I was a little leery whether or not he would be able to stay all day at school without me so I thought I would stay with him and slowly fade out toward the end of the day--but when I dropped him off at his desk he said--bye mom be a good boy for Miss ----- and I said that's right you be a good boy for Miss -----, I left and picked him up at the end of the day-- so all is well that ends well--he just needed to get used to the routine I guess.