imagine if you will all of these said as loudly as possible and always at the most in-appropriate times, coupled with a mom who is extremely shy and goes extremely red in the face at even the slightest hint of embarrassment, this kid is great!
"Hey Dad, where's your life" (as well I should be your life and your wife :])
"My Grainma says I can't skate"(even though that is all he has talked about doing since he saw the speed skating in the Olympics?)
"My brudder doesn't like deese" (in other words, I want it but Chase won't fork it over)
"I didn't do it" (which is a sure sign that he did)
"Hey Hey I nike apples and beenanas and chips and yogurt and cars and dinosaurs and you" (melts my heart)
"Hey Hey nook at me I not in school, Chase in school, and Daddy at work and mom in the store aaa buy me treats and prizes and chips and drinks please please please" (the store clerks always look at me like how can you say no to that)
"hey hey what's your name" (anyone, anywhere, anytime?)
"I nike schwimmin" (so do I buddy, so do I)
"hey mom, I be a screwbadriver when I grow up" (scuba diver, add the facial expressions with this one and I giggle every time)
I have started introducing him as "the announcer" as he will repeat anything I may (or may not?) say! (oh boy we might be in trouble with this one)