

So the other day I was trying to get James to say his name correctly--he always pronounces it Janes--So after several unsuccessful attempts I said okay how bout Jimmy--He said Jimmy and I said good job--well yesterday I had forgotten about our little chat and called him James all day--then this morning we were playing where's James (one of his favorite games) when all of a sudden, out of nowhere, he pokes his head out of hiding and says--"I no Janes--I Jimmy" well okay buddy......fast forward 20 minutes.........we are playing where's James--again--and I start calling "where's James--where's James" when I here a voice from hiding exclaim (in a way only James oops Jimmy can) "HEY I JIMMY NOW"

Man that kid is hilarious--he keeps me on my toes that's for sure.


Unknown said...

I was wondering how long it would take before he started being called Jimmy for he's such a Jimmy.

Pittman Four said...

Too Cute!!!

That's pretty good to remember what he wants to be called. I'd make up a name for me and before I knew it I'd forgotten what it was called all together.

Chase did a GREAT!!!!!!!!! Job today. He's so cute.