James loves shoes and any accessory he can find!! So I thought I would post some random snaps of him in his favorites.
Mommy's shoes!
did I mention--High heels.
Daddy's shoes.
And his all time favorite--Mr. Potatoe head glasses.
I had to hid them--we were worried they would make him cross-eyed he was wearing them so much.
My kids have always doned the Mr. Potato Head glasses too. I don't quite understand why but they sure do love wearing those things.
LOL, some things never change. I wonder if when he gets older he'll be that guy that owns more shoes than most women who live in new york city? Or the guy that has enough hats to start a store with? :)
With all my Love,
This is too cute! Isn't it amazing how wonderful life is with kids?! I love it! It is so sweet you let your kids type a message! You are a great mom! Take care, Jess
Aloha, I look forward to checking your blog and seeing how wonderful the boys are doing and enjoying the pictures immensely.
Alofa, Nene
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