
What in world will he come up with next?

 So this morning Jimmy comes CRAWLING into our room-he says his foot hurts, but was willing to go back to bed--later on he comes hopping out of his room and refuses to put any pressure on his left foot-so I asked him what happened-he said "I was racing in the night and Chic crashed inna me nike da King and it hurt!"  I said what and he repeated the same story, then Joe stopped by on a break from work and he repeated the story-three hours later he still won't put any pressure on his foot-so we head to the doctor office-where he repeats the same "Chic" story--oh boy what are we gonna do with him-they x-rayed his foot and it looks fine so he just needs to take it easy for a while (the doctor said a week-but have you ever tried to keep a four year old calm for even five minutes let alone a week) so we will keep our eye on it and hopefully it feels better soon-and maybe just maybe we will find out what actually happened!?!?!?


Mama Walker said...

I never liked Chic he is so mean. Hope my littler racer Jimmy is better soon. Maybe when he is 20 you will find out the really story.

[Stacia] said...

Just found your blog, hope you don't mind!
Seriously, that's hillarious though!