

You may think this post is about the ever rising gas prices--but no--it's about our little Chaser--you see it's a little chilly this morning--so I turned on the heat--and cute little Chase is sitting on the vent--warming his toes--and exspelling GAS--whooooooo--STINKY!!!!!!!!
Smells bad but is still very cute :)


Mama Walker said...

Chase you make your grandpa Walker and Uncle Mark very proud

Keddington Chronicles said...

Gives a whole new meaning to the saying "Free Gas, inquire behind"! I saw that on a baby onesie this week, now I'll always think of Chase when I think of that. Also, thank you for your offer to help K'Lynn with her yard sale. It meant a lot to her. Love & miss you guys, Angela (& Josh & girls)

Jewel Ross said...

LOL, you would think Chase's gas was cute :) This was a cute post, and as far as I'm concerned, much more news worthy than that $4/gallon gasoline :) Miss you all bunches!

With all my Love,