
Just some cute pics!

Oh Jimmy
you keep me laughing all the time! You have such a huge personality--and I love it--your hot temper and all!

And then our cutie pie Chase--
we will just call this one REVENGE! So proud of yourself--you finally trapped James, and he thinks it's just a game!! What he doesn't know.....................


Jewel Ross said...

These are such cute pictures. Does Jimmy still have such a hot temper? Is Chase still as forgiving towards Jimmy? Can you guys give the boys a big hug for me and then ask them to give you two a big hug from me? I miss you all so much...

With all my Love

Mandy said...

Jimmy's temper is not as hot as it once was but he definitely has one--he has such passion in everything he does! Both the good and the not so good!--Chase is still pretty forgiving but will stand his ground if it is something he really wants or does not want! He has also found ways of tricking Jimmy into doing what he wants, he is such a smarty pants!!