
Guest blogger Joe! (this should happen more often)

Tonight during family home evening the activity was to help us understand that though we are all different we are all children of a loving Heavenly Father. The boys were asked to point out the differences between them and what makes them special. They both did an amazing job. It was impressive to hear the things they came up with . Jimmy informed us that he gets to go with mom while Chase goes to school. Chase mentioned how he gets to go to school all day while Jimmy only goes half the day. Sometimes I am surprised by their ability to comprehend or rather the fact that they actually get what we are talking about! I can't believe how fast they are growing up.

1 comment:

Mama Walker said...

good to hear from you guest blogger Joe. Kids amaze you everyday don't they. I was always surprised by what they knew and also what they had going on in their heads. Take care and do write again